There are many natural health remedies that nature has provided to mankind which have been neglected out of ignorance or carelessness. One of these natural remedies is the King grass.

In the rural communities, men suffering from the above health problems are advised to get the plant, wash, squeeze or blend and drink and drink on empty stomach before breakfast.
The King grass is known with different names by different people. Commonly, it is called the Goatweed or whiteweed. It is also known as Billy Goatweed and Chickweed. The Igbo tribe of Nigeria calls it Ogbunizu. But the Botanical name is Ageratum conyzoides.
Ageratum conyzoides is the most common grass in the rain zones of the world. It is found everywhere.
Today, this plant has been discovered to be medically useful in a variety of ways.
Uses of Ageratum conyzoides
◼️ Increasing Male Libido: The juice of the Goatweed has been proven to increase the Libido in men. Using half glass cup every morning for five days does the magic.
◼️ Prevention of premature ejaculation: Using the juice half cup every morning for seven days gives a permanent cure to premature ejaculation. In the rural Igbo communities of Nigeria, this has been in use for years.

◼️ Weak erection: Using the juice same way as above cures weak erection.
In the rural communities, men suffering from the above health problems are advised to get the plant, wash, squeeze or blend and drink and drink on empty stomach before breakfast.
◼️ Very good for fertility: Women suffering from any form of fertility issue are advised toblend or squeeze the Ageratum conyzoides and drink often.
◼️ As a weight Loss therapy: The flowers of the King grass are good for weight loss.
A handful of the flower is chewed with at least 10 seeds of alligator pepper. This is always done as last thing after dinner.
◼️ As a Diuretic: Ageratum conyzoides makes one to be urinating often. When one is not urinating as it supposed to be, the one can increase the quantity of both the flower and alligator seeds chewed after dinner.

◼️ Effective Therapy for Ulcer: Ulcer patients should make use of the king grass. It cures ulcer effectively . Simply blend or squeeze and add honey. Drink before or after meals.
◼️ The leaves are prepared as soup with enough pure natural red palm oil. The soup is always cooked with enough spices, and eaten without swallow in enough quantity to stop diarrhea. The effect is immediate and miraculous.
◼️The leaves are the best nutritive super vegetable to be used as food, but unknown to the world.
◼️A very nutritious grass for livestock especially ruminants.
◼️ It is a natural fertilizer for the soil.
◼️ Good for Abdominal and back pains.
◼️Good remedy for migraine and general headaches.
◼️Excellent first aid for poisonous bites and stings
◼️Works against Hernia
◼️Antidote against evil spells
◼️ It protects other plants and the environment where it grows against negative energies.
◼️ It facilitates delivery when teas from this plant is taken as enema few times before the onset of labor, at the last month of pregnancy
◼️ Good against all types of poisonings. Chew a handful of leaves or squeeze fresh clean juice and drink. It has been noted that many people vomits organic poisonous substances after taking it. Repeat twice daily for a few days.

◼️ Painful swellings: Apply juice on swellings.
◼️ Reverses tubal blockage in women.
◼️ Good for Conjunctivitis and other Eye problems. Apply juice directly on the affected eyes
◼️Smash and apply paste on both fresh and old wounds for healing. It is a powerful antibiotics.
◼️Good for Sore throat.
◼️Excellent for diabetes Control.
◼️ For the correction of menstruation and other menstrual problems.
◼️Works against Grey hair. Take tea as enema and apply fresh juice on hair. Massage very well.
◼️ When Flowers(three or seven) are swallowed, they work as antidote against poisoning.

◼️Inhaled to cure dizziness.
◼️ Excellent remedy for Coughs in Children. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to make it more effective.
◼️ Taken as enema to cure fever in children. Also bath children with boiled leaves (teas from leaves).
◼️Cures abdominal heat in infertile Women.
◼️Crush with a little pepper and apply on Athletes Foot
◼️Works against Urinary track infections
◼️Excellent against Nose bleeding. Put drops in nostrils and lie with head up for a few minutes.
◼️Good for sinusitis.
◼️Juice is excellent in removing hard particles in eyes. Apply juice in affected eye(s) and before morning, the particle will come out as waste.
It should be noted that the fresh juice of the King Grass is more effective. However, teas from it are more commonly used.
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