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The president of the federal Republic Of Nigeria, president Mohammadu Buhari has ended SARS Nigeria.

Nigerian Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, has announced the disbanding of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad late Sunday afternoon.

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This is coming after days of protest against police brutality in Nigeria.

Nigerian government said a special presidential directive had ordered the immediate dissolution of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) Nigeria.

However, all the officers in the squad will be redeployed. And a new arrangement to replace the squad is being worked on.

It should be recalled that Protests against the SARS Nigeria were sparked a video of a man allegedly being killed by police.

President Muhammadu Buhari had earlier said he was determined to end police brutality. And introduce reforms and bring “erring personnel to justice”.

SARS Nigeria was widely accused of unlawful arrests, torture and murder. Brutality and extrajudicial killings among other fact lead to the protest to #endSARS.

The president of the federal Republic Of Nigeria, president Mohammadu Buhari has ended SARS in Nigeria. . This is because previous commitments to change the behaviour of the police had had no effect.

Therefore, further reformation of police will still be recycling the same SARS a report stated.

SARS was widely accused of unlawful arrests, torture and murder. Brutality and extrajudicial killings among other fact lead to the protest to #endSARS.

The president of the federal Republic Of Nigeria, president Mohammadu Buhari has ended SARS in Nigeria. . This is because previous commitments to change the behaviour of the police had had no effect.

Therefore, further reformation of police will still be recycling the same SARS a report stated.

Nigerians are grateful to the President for listening to their demand.

About Precious Ropalia

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