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Please, fellow Nigerians, tell University Of Agriculture Makurdi to graduate me!!

That was the voice of a Taiwo Jayeoba Joseph appealing to Nigerians to mandate the University Of Agriculture Makurdi to graduate him.

Taiwo Jayeoba Joseph is a native of Makurdi North, Benue State of Nigeria.

According to Taiwo, he started his academic pursuit in November 2008.

On the 7th of November 2008, Taiwo gained admission to study Agriculture /Fisheries at the University of Agriculture Makurdi.

But till today, Taiwo is yet to graduate from the institution.

However, Jayeoba alleged that his problem started with activities of a lady named Mary against him.

He further alleged that he has been going through hell and hardtimes for the past 11 years.


Joseph further alleged that he had made several appeals to several NGO’s, legal firms and individuals yet no response from his institution.

Jayeoba stated that only the grace of God has been keeping him alive as he is contemplating ending his life.

Below is the details of Jayeoba Taiwo Joseph’s letter to Nigerians.

” I am Jayeoba Taiwo Joseph, a graduate of Fisheries and Aquaculture from the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi Benue State.

I gained admission into the University on the 7th of November 2008. Till date, I am yet to graduate with my ORIGINAL and AUTHENTIC result.

This is because of a man named Akorgwu Oduh, a neighbor and a non academic staff (an electrician) of the University.

Akorgwu told the Former HoD of my Department Prof. Dr. Shola Solomon Gabriel, that some witches in the street where we dwell in Makurdi Benue State sent him to them.

And that they should help him to make sure i don’t graduate. That failure to comply means they will be in trouble.

A girl named Ali Mary Itanyi, a course mate and also neighbor like Akorgwu Oduh, told the Dean of our college Late Prof Dr Mrs Victoria Ayuba that i normally come home from school to discuss issues of confraternity with them.

Mary further stated that I know everything about the red skin confraternity. That they should not allow me to graduate.

A friend of Mary, Anthonia Omale and their friends in our street were the ones that sent her to the University to cause havoc for me.

The reason was simply because I refuse to have sex with Mary. And my decision to go to school.

Anthonia Omale said she made me expose via witchcraft ( that she can listen to me if am thinking and saying anything with the help of witchcraft).

She began telling them that they will be full with money if they accept her practice of witchcraft.

Moreover, any man that they sleeps with will be made exposed mentally. Meaning that they can hear u speak and read your inner mind.

Therefore, Anthonia Omale, Ali Mary Itanyi, Sewuese Saarkuma have something in the inside of them that can make a man go foolish after having sex with them. They always boast of this.

These girls alway say that after having sex with them they will tell us that a certain guy who they made visible via witchcraft is responsible. That these guys they will show to u via the same medium (Witchcraft).

Meanwhile, Ali Mary Itanyi started from a third class in her first three years in school and wasn’t happy about it. But instead of her to work hard she decided to use a girl one of their members named Juliet Ogodo.

Juliet us also a course mate and a member of the red skin confraternity same as the exam officer Mr Sam Omeji to seduce and if possibly have sex with him so that they can use him for their evil intent.

What she (Juliet Ogodo)did with Mr Sam i don’t but anything she tell Mr Sam Omeji is what he does.In our third year in school, first semester to be precise.

A course FIS 301(Fish Biology) was leaked by Mr Sam Omeji to Juliet Ogodo because he made the exam very difficult thinking that I will fail. That was what they ask him to do.

They did something to him mentally and he was extremely angry with me but i never remember doing anything to him to warrant such hatred.In first year in school i started from a second class lower (2-2)degree and after seeing Mr Akorgwu Oduh things weren’t the same again.

Initially i thought that i needed to work extra hard but the harder i work the lesser grades or scores i get which will in turn reflect on my CGPA. In my 4th year in school, second semester to precise during the IT(Industrial Training)or SIWES, a 15credit load semester which is basically on field and practical work,no assignment, no test,no exams just farm work.

I spent 3months in school and 3monhs in Uyo Akwa Ibom State. I work the hardest while on the farm but was scored below Average cos on the day of the IT defence,to me i was dressed properly cos they’s no dress code for the defence.

However, just put on what i had. When it gets to my turn, the IT coordinators, Dr J.O Cheikyula and Mr Tachia asked me if I was dressed for a party but i said no and Mr J.O Cheikyula sent me out.

I went to the HoD to complain about the harsh treatmwnt but he asked me to go back and plead with IT coordinators, and that if it means lying down to beg them just to allow me defend IT.

And I went back and pleaded with them but still was never allowed.

The same Ali Mary Itanyi was the one behind the harsh treatment because she told the Tiv student and Lecturers in our Department that i hate them. and that I hate Tiv girls.

All the courses that Dr J. O Cheikyula took me, he scored below average from my performance from 300level – 500level.

All, because of Ali Mary Itanyi framed up stories against me.

However, when the final year result came out and i saw it, I wasn’t pleased with it. I went to the Deans office to complain. She told to mention a course that i felt that i was under scored.

I mentioned the course she and Mr J.O Cheikyula took us FIS502.

She asked me to go and call Mr Muyiwa Olaniyi, a junior lecturer that she gave the raw scores to record. She asked for the assessment sheet and she was surprise at what Mr Muyiwa did.

She asked him why he did such a thing but Mr. Muyiwa threatened her that her deeds will be made known to everyone in the whole school if she decides to expose him.

She then asked me to put it in writing and send to the VC Professor Kucha. I wrote to the VC.

First asking for a review and secondly for a remark, which was turned down by the university. All the letters that i sent to the VC’s office, were intercepted by Mr. Akorgwu Oduh. And sent to the office of Mr. Enyi and Terna Orngu, who gave me meaningless reply.

I have also contacted a lawyer, Barrister John Igbabon ESQ to help me write to the school. To review some exams script that I know that they underscored me.

Nevertheless, since the 29th of November 2017 till date, I am yet to get any reply.

I have also written to the National Human Right Commission, Public Complains Commission, Legal Aid Council, Directorate of Citizens Right Mediation and the Commissioner of police.

The one that baffled me was when Mr Sam Omeji and J.O Cheikyula was invited by the Police to come and testify about an allegation leveled against them.

The CID in charge of the matter was just too biased in his judgment and took me and the lecturers to the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr Effiong.

Mr. Effiong said some harsh words to me and asked us to leave his office. Because the lecturers have first of all went upstairs to greet him with something before coming down.

At public Complains Commission, i met a guy who happens to be a graduate from my department and instead of him to judge rightly, he decided to judge in their favour.

I have copies of latters that I have written to the school and all the places i have reported the matter to.

Please, my brothers and sister, fellow Nigerians, I have faced the worst injustice of all time in my life. My life is in shambles.

Please, come to my aid” He pleaded.

However, Mr. Joseph attached details of letters and protests sent to different bodies.

Below are documents presented by Mr. Joseph.

About Precious Ropalia

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