Home / Entertainment / Pete Edochie Blesses Yul As He Hails Him For The Ultimate Prank

Pete Edochie Blesses Yul As He Hails Him For The Ultimate Prank

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Today 1st day of May 2022, seasoned Nollywood Super Grand Actor, Pete Edochie blessed son Yul Edochie after learning that the Wednesday declaration of Yul Edochie and Judy Austin was a prank after all.

In his words, the wise Igbo elder said:

This afternoon, I called my son Yul Edochie and Blessed him.

Nnam, you will be more greater than you are now

Your children, my grandchildren will do exploits.

Everything you put your hands shall be more and more blessings.

Chukwu Abiama will always guide you.

And anyone seeing this, you will be blessed beyond measures by chuwku Okike Abiama.


Full details later.

About Precious Ropalia

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