Mountain climber

50 Years Old Mountain Climber Came Out After 500 Days Of Living Alone In The Cave Without Shower

Beatriz Flamini a 50-year-old Spanish mountain climber has on Friday 14th April 2023 came out from an underground cave. Flamini has been in the underground cave for 500 days. According to Aljazeera News, the 50 years old lady went in seclusion as part of an experiment on the effects of …

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Poisonous fish

This Poisonous Fish Can Kill Instantly Plus Why You Should Avoid Dried Sliced Fish

Those responsible for my parent's deaths should be held accountable under the law. And I hope the authorities will speed up investigations. I also hope the Malaysian government will beef up enforcement and help to raise public awareness on Puffer Fish poisoning to prevent such incident from occurring again. She concluded.

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See What Nigerians Did After Ukrainian President Congratulated Tinubu Amidst Controversial Election

Following the emergence of Senator Ahmed Bola Tinubu of the All Progressive Congress Party [APC] as the president of Nigeria, there has been a lot of chaos and disarray in in the country from different angles. While many have been pointing accusing fingers on the chairman of the Independent National …

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