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These Natural Foods Will Prevent Glaucoma, Visual Acuity And Give General Healthy Eyes

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The eye is the most delicate organ in the human body. It has incredibly high precision and performance qualities. Every eye muscle is in constant movement. This is because they carry out three simultaneous functions needed for vision. The natural foods and lifestyle listed here will prevent Glaucoma, visual Acuity, conjunctivitis, cataract, macular degeneration and general healthy eyes.

APRICOT :This provides Provitamin A and B group vitamins. This helps in maintaining the delicate conjunctive eye membrane.

The three functions are:

(1) Exploration of the field of vision.

(2) Opening and closing of the pupil in accordance with available light.

(3) Modification of the lens curve according to distance of the viewed object for sharp focus.

Above all, as the eyes is performing these functions, it sends feedback to the brain via the optic nerve. While awake, millions of nerve that form the retina send information to the brain. This is done at the rate of 100Mb per second. Only the fastest computer can match this transmission today.

Natural fruit juice like those that contain carotene are good for eye health. And prevent Glaucoma

To function properly, the eyes needs small amount of oxygen and few substances from food. These substances include the ones below.

■ VITAMIN A : This is necessary for the formation of Rhodopsin. This is the light sensitive pigment in the retina cells. Rhodopsin is necessary for maintaining the Conjunctiva to be moist and healthy. The Conjunctiva is the anterior eye membrane.

■ CAROTENOIDS: These are natural pigments in plant based food. They help prevent macular degeneration of the retina. Besides, they are antioxidants.

■ VITAMIN C AND E: These are antioxidants. They are found in in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grain germ. Lack of these vitamins leads to cataract and loss of vision.

Most importantly, plant based foods provide most of the nutrients necessary for healthy eyes.



● CONJUNCTIVITIS: This has no specific cause. A lot of factors may lead to it. Examples are germs, smoke irritation, lack of vitamin A and B, conjunctiva dryness.


□APRICOT :This provides Provitamin A and B group vitamins. This helps in maintaining the delicate conjunctive eye membrane.

APRICOT :This provides Provitamin A and B group vitamins. This helps in maintaining the delicate conjunctive eye membrane.

□VITAMIN A :Lack of this dries the conjunctiva. In severe cases, this dryness causes Xerophthalmia.

□VITAMIN B: This improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva.

● CATARACTS: This is opaqueness of the lens. Before the advancement in modern medicine, cataract was attributed to aging process. And it was a general belief that it is irreversible. Today it is known that necessary diet stops or improves cataracts. Use of certain drugs in diabetic patients can lead to cataract.

Today it is known that necessary diet stops or improves cataracts. Use of certain drugs in diabetic patients can lead to cataract.


□SQUASH: It has abundant bete-carotene and potassium. These prevents formation of cataract.

□ANTIOXIDANTS : A diet low in antioxidants increases free radicals that cause cataract. And prevent Glaucoma.

□VITAMIN C: It is rich in antioxidants. It prevents development of cataracts. Guava, Acerola, Currant, Kiwi, are good sources.

□VITAMIN E: This is also a good antioxidant. Wheat germ, and corn oil are good sources.


○DIARY PRODUCTS :Milk sugar or lactose are formed from two monosaccharides, galactose and glucose. Genetically, many people do not metabolize galactose.

○TOTAL FAT: This increases the higher of cataract.

○BUTTER :This raises the risk of cataract when regularly.

○SALT: This has a high relationship with appearance of cataract.

● GLAUCOMA: This is as a result of increase in the pressure of the liquid within the eye. The result is atrophy of the retina and the optic nerve with serious vision repercussions. The most common glaucoma is Closed-Angle Glaucoma. This is due to anatomical alteration of the eye. Some diets can influence intraocular pressure, and improve or aggravate glaucoma.

The most common glaucoma is Closed-Angle Glaucoma. This is due to anatomical alteration of the eye. Some diets can influence intraocular pressure, and improve or aggravate glaucoma


□VITAMIN B: This reduces intraocular pressure. Some sources are sunflower seed and wheat germ.

Sunflower is a good source of vitamin B which helps to prevent Glaucoma

□VITAMIN A: This also reduces intraocular pressure.

□ORANGE: Because of its high content of Rutin (a flavonoid), and vitamin C, it reduces intraocular pressure.





All the above increase intraocular pressure.

●MACULAR DEGENERATION OF THE RETINA: This is the commonest cause of blindness in adults from 65 years. The macula is only 2mm across. It is the most sensitive area of the retina. That is where the most visual is concentrated. However it is degenerated by free radicals, lack of antioxidants that neutralise free radicals, and prolonged exposure to intense light. Carotenoids, a vegetable pigment is most effective in prevention of this diseases. Zeaxanthin and Lutein are the best form of Carotenoids.

MACULAR DEGENERATION OF THE RETINA: This is the commonest cause of blindness in adults from 65 years. The macula is only 2mm across.


□SPINACH: This is rich in Zeaxanthin and Lutein. They protect the retina

□CABBAGE: This also is rich in Carotenoids.

□ORANGE: This is rich in Carotenoids, vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids.

□ZINC : This is the most abundant trace element in the eyes. It stops macular degeneration.

□ANTIOXIDANTS: This reduces risk of vision loss from macular degeneration

●VISUAL ACUITY: The causes are Cataract, Cerebral lesion and tumour. Retinal disfunction as a result of diabetes or arteriosclerosis are common causes as well. Antioxidant deficiency is another cause.








●NIGHT BLINDNESS: This is slow or complete lack of ability to see in mild darkness. This is a clear symptom of Vitamin A.





These all contain high Vitamin A.

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