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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the coronavirus vaccine is still at ”Testing Stage”.

WHO stated that three vaccine candidates are in clinical testing phase, while 67 potentials are in preclinical phase.

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However, scientists all over the world are battling against time to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus.

This virus has killed more than 100,000 people and infected more than 1.7 million all over the world.

But in some of the worst affected countries like China and Italy, the infections and deaths started coming down lately.

Since there is no known cure for coronavirus, and the vaccines are yet to be produced, safety measures are seriously adviced

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But experts warn that the risk of a new wave of outbreaks is imminent without a vaccine.

Nevertheless, the development of a vaccine is still a long process. This may take years, with many scientific hurdles despite serious and coordinated international efforts by laboratories, private companies and governments ( according to Aljazeera).

Meanwhile, experts say that a vaccine for the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, could take at least a year to a year and a half to be proven safe, effective and made widely available.

Since there is no known cure for coronavirus, and the vaccines are yet to be produced, safety measures are seriously adviced (picture from Aljazeera)

Up to date, the World Health Organization (WHO), is still saying that three vaccine candidates are in the clinical testing phase.


This means that the vaccines are able to be tested on humans, while 67 potential vaccines are in preclinical phase.


About Precious Ropalia

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