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World Health Organization (WHO) as the pioneer in global public health issues is dedicated to building experts in public health.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 10: 30 pm , 25th February, 2020.

OFFER: Annually

EXAMINATIN VENUES: WHO Regional and out-posted offices (Africa, Americas, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific)

ABOUT THE AWARD: Candidates include students and young professionals from different cultural, academic and geographic backgrounds with a common interest.

The interest is the zeal to pursue a career in supporting public health. Interns/volunteers are from Africa and Asian regions.

However, WHO already has interns from Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Turkey, Japan, Jamaica etc.

These interns are from various academic backgrounds.


Additionally, the backgrounds include International Politics, Political Sciences, Computer Sciences, Marketing Finances, Biology, Journalism, Public Health, Political Communications and Video Editing.



Candidates must be at least twenty years of age on the date of application.

The candidates must enroll in a course of study at a university or equivalent institution leading to a formal qualification (graduate or postgraduate).

Note that applicants who have already graduated may also qualify for consideration provided that they start the internship within six months after completion of their formal qualification.

Candidates must have completed three years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution before commencing (bachelor’s level or equivalent) the assignment.

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The applicant must have a first degree in a Public Health, Medical or Social Field related to the technical work of WHO. Or a degree in a management-related or administrative field.

Applicants must not be related to a WHO staff or member.

A candidate must be fluent in at least one of the working languages of the office of assignment.

Candidates must not have previously participated in WHO’s Internship Programme.

NUMBER OF AWARDS: Not specified


World Health Organisation Internship Programme offers a wide range of opportunities for students. These opportunities enable students to gain insight in the technical and administrative programmes of WHO.

In January 2020, WHO provides stipends to students who need support.

After selection, the interns will fill a disclosure form to indicate if they already have support (grant, scholarships, etc.).

Based on this disclosure form, WHO will provide stipends up to a specific amount per duty station. The amount will be indicated for each position the students apply to.

WHO provides every intern with a medical and accident insurance.

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Costs of travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the intern candidate.

DURATION OF INTERNSHIP: Six to twenty four weeks.

METHOD OF APPLICATION: Interested candidates should follow these relevant links below.

The information is on the application process and additional information on WHO’s Internship Programme on the website of the respective office.

Apply in any of the offices via the links below:

WHO Headquarters http://www.who.int/entity/careers/internships/apply/en/index.html

WHO Regional Office for Africa (email) http://www.who.int/entity/careers/internships/apply/en/index.html

WHO Regional Office for the Americas http://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1489&Itemid=4245&lang=en

WHO Regional Office for Europe http://www.euro.who.int/en/about-us/jobs-and-internships

WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean http://www.emro.who.int/about-who/internships/

WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia http://www.searo.who.int/about/employment/internships/en/index.html

WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific http://www.wpro.who.int/entity/internship/en/index.html

WHO Heaquarters in out-posted offices also accepts internsWHO Global Service Centre (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia): malito: gsoffice@who.int

WHO Kobe Centre (Kobe, Japan): malito: wkc@wkc.who.int

WHO Lyon Office (Lyon, France): malito:ihrinfo@who.int

WHO Office at the United Nations (New York, United States of America): malito: wun@whoun.org

Also visit http://www.who.int/careers/internships/en/ for details.

About Precious Ropalia

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