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Forum of Nigerian Professionals in Atlanta, Georgia, has written President Donald Trump of the United States of America about IPOB.

The letter was a strong warning to Trump about the activities of some members of the Indigenous People of Biafra.

However, the group asked Trump to ensure that the leader of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, is not granted permission into America.

In the letter, President Trump was reminded that the Nigerian government recently raised red flag on the activities of IPOB.

According to the group, Kanu’s presence in the US might have unpleasant consequences for Nigerian residents in that country as well as American citizens.

The Forum urged Trump to put measures in place that will stamp out the IPOB terror activities.

This was disclosed in a letter jointly signed by the forum’s president Pat Alao-Moses and vice president, Moses Omotosho.

In the letter addressed to the White House and dated Friday, August 30th. The group said the letter was necessitated by IPOB’s persistent threat to their compatriots in the US and other parts of the world.

Nevertheless, the group reminded President Trump that the Nigerian government recently raised a red flag on the activities of IPOB.

Below is the detailed letter:

“Mr. President may wish to be informed that the history of IPOB in Nigeria is replete with tales of blood and sorrow. And they have attempted to constitute themselves into a parallel government in Nigeria which was resisted by the Nigerian military.

Mr. President, we consequently wish to inform you that IPOB members are scattered across in the United States of America. And they have been suspected to be holding nocturnal meetings at residences, offices, restaurants, pubs, clubs to evade the prying eyes of the security agencies.

Mr. President, we are afraid of the consequences of the continued existence of IPOB in the United States of America. And wish to send an SOS to you to do all within your powers to nip in the bud the threat posed by the presence of IPOB in the United States of America.

Ensure that the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, is not granted permission to enter the country under whatever guise.


This is because his presence might have unpleasant consequences for Nigerians residents in the United States. And who do not share in the ideology of his terrorist group. As well as Americans who are going about their daily endeavours.

Mr. President, the unfortunate attack of 9/11 is still fresh on our minds. Hence this letter of appeal for your urgent intervention in addressing the security threat posed by IPOB members in the United States and its leader, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu should not be allowed entry into the United States of America.

Mr. President, IPOB has links with global terrorist networks. And its continued operations in the US may have far-reaching consequences for the safety of the lives of American citizens”. The letter concluded.

About Precious Ropalia

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